Sabrina Perez Therapy & Coaching
Sabrina Perez Therapy & Coaching Homepage

Experience Powerful Transformation

I help those who are struggling, discover what is holding them back, so they can live up to their full potential and thrive.

Hi, I’m Sabrina Perez

I am a hypnotherapist, and life coach. Having studied under Marisa Peer, I use Rapid Transformational Therapy and Rapid Transformational Coaching, to help my clients live their life to the fullest.






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Can you relate to feeling...

  • Like you're continually returning back to the same struggles in your life?

  • Stuck in a rut you can’t seem to get out of and don’t know why or how to change it?

  • Lost, broken, or frustrated by where your life is right now?

    Maybe you have tried talk therapy, self-improvement books, or sheer determination only to find yourself stuck in the same place over and over again.

    Imagine yourself...

  • Living life empowered and free to embrace your future with confidence and joy.

  • Gaining traction and moving towards dreams with clear direction and purpose.

  • Knowing your worth and value in everything you do.

Did you know that 95% of our actions are driven by our subconscious.

Deep in your subconscious are old patterns of belief that are holding you back from living the life you desire. Working with me we will get to those limiting beliefs running in the background and free you from them. Together we will install new better beliefs that will stick and give you freedom to live your best life. Living your life knowing you are worth it.

It is so important to me that my clients feel supported, loved, valued, and receive the healing, strength, and skills to achieve the life they dream of living. Having a whole joy filled life.

 Areas I Specialize In Are…

Anxiety / Depression / Smoking / Money Blocks / Self-Confidence / Self-Esteem / Lack of Motivation / Chronic Pain / Anger / Grief / Shame / Food/Diet / Stress / Sleep Issues / Relationships / Fears / Phobias / Concentration / Memory Issues

receive a COMPLIMENTARY recording

Listen up.

Are you looking to overcome limiting beliefs, achieve your goals, and unlock your full potential? Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery, as we explore the power of coaching and hypnotherapy in facilitating personal growth and development.

Whether you are a coach, a therapist, or simply someone who is looking to improve your life, this podcast is for you. Join us on the journey of self-discovery, and unleash your full potential today.