• Yes

  • A Rapid Transformational Therapy session is booked for 2 hours.

  • Being in hypnosis is like being in a deep state of relaxation. The experience feels different for different people. You will remember everything and be in complete control. You may feel sleepy. Most people feel very relaxed and at ease. You are in a relaxed meditative state.

  • No, you are in complete control the whole time. You will be talking with me, move your body, get a drink of water sitting next to you, use a tissue, you can even get up and use the bathroom. During a zoom call if we get disconnected you will be able to open your eyes and log back on and we will resume right where we left off. You will know when this happens because you will stop hearing my voice for a longer period than normal.

  • It works by creating brain waves that mimic REM rapid eye movement. The RTT technique gets you into hypnosis rapidly. You go into hypnosis effortlessly.

  • The beautiful thing about RTT is you will experience seeing the issue in a whole new light. We will be going into a feeling place. Your subconscious is your feeling mind. There you will be able to see things on a level you can’t in your thinking brain. You will be surprised at what scenes come up; they are rarely what you expect them to be. Just relax and trust the process, and share what thoughts first come into your awareness as I take you back to scenes.

  • No, you will be awake and alert and aware of what is being said and happening throughout the session.

  • No, you are in charge and in control the whole time. You will not be vulnerable to unwanted suggestions. This is your experience I am simply facilitating the session.

  • Everyone is different, you may feel more energized after your session. You may feel deeply relaxed spending time reflecting deeply on your experience discovering even more about yourself and your programed beliefs about yourself. Feeling a deep sense of freedom and empowerment will be what you feel whether you feel energized or deeply relaxed.

  • You can be. We all experience hypnosis in our lifetime. I like to give the scenario of you pulling into your driveway at your home you have made the drive many times before. And you think to yourself….” Hmmm, I don’t remember driving the last 5 minutes of this drive home.” You were in hypnosis. You were on autopilot, and you were deep in the subconscious.

  • Yes, I assure you of that. I keep all records, in accordance with the professional code of ethics. I will not contact any listed physician without your consent. I will destroy any inactive client files after 3 years to safeguard you information.

  • Online sessions are equally effective as in person sessions. You will go into hypnosis easily and you will feel as though I am right there with you.

  • In hypnosis you are able get to the reasons for why we do what we do. Because of this we can get to the source of the issue. Because of this it is quite easy to get to the underlying cause to the issue allowing for rapid change to take place.

    Sometimes it can take up to 3 sessions for issues like depression, anxiety, addictions. Although very often one session is all it takes to find freedom from the issue.

  • Yes, there is regression in RTT. This is a very effective way to discover what is the underlying reason for the issue. You will only be reviewing these scenes not reliving them. You have already lived them. The scenes will elicit emotions in you, which is important for the healing process to begin. You will feel safe as you review these scenes that your brilliant subconscious mind brings you to in the session.

  • I work with ages 8-100+ years old.

  • If you go back to scenes that are related to sexual/physical abuse or other trauma, it is important for you to know that you are not reliving the event, you are only reviewing it and you are safe. I will help you safely review these scenes with careful consideration. It is important to me to create a safe place for you to express your emotions and heal.

  • There are three types of change from RTT.

    Immediate: You will feel a very distinct shift right away in your body, your thoughts, and your behaviors within the session or right after.

    Incremental: You see shifts every day, over time.

    Retroactive: You do not see shifts right away and then over time you will look back and see all the things in your life that have changed for the better.

    A combination of all three.

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy will create powerful transformation in your life. After you experience this powerful transformation with one issue. You may feel inclined to work on another issue. I will try to work on more than one issue in a session. Focusing on too many issues in one session can be just too overwhelming for both of us. It is certainly to your advantage to work on as many issues as you desire. I am here to help you do that.