Sabrina Perez Sabrina Perez

Schedule Positive Self-Talk to Defeat an Inferiority Complex

The most successful people know what they're doing every day. They write out a schedule in a physical or virtual planner. They can tell what they need to do today, tomorrow, next week, and even next month. They might have meetings, vacations, and social events scheduled more than a year ahead of time.

This works for kids and adults, women and men, and people from all walks of life. It's because the human brain was designed for efficiency. The human mind works best when discipline, order, and organization are present. That's what a schedule and a plan give you.

If you're tired of feeling inferior or incapable, you can choose positive emotions by scheduling empowering self-talk sessions instead.

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Sabrina Perez Sabrina Perez

Beat Feelings of Inferiority and Boost Self-Esteem

Constantly believing they don't live up to everyday standards diminishes their self-image. That's a shame because, in many cases, these people have wonderful abilities. They are accomplished and capable in so many ways. An inferiority complex doesn't let them see this. The image they see in the mirror and in their mind's eye is of a person that's inadequate, substandard, and not good enough.

One way to treat this problem effectively, whether your feelings of inferiority are chronic or occasional, is with self-care. Here are a few ways to take care of yourself, so you build up your self-image and self-esteem. That's a surefire way to keep feelings of inferiority and inadequacy at bay.

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Sabrina Perez Sabrina Perez

Your Friends Might Be Causing Your Inferiority Complex

People are sometimes too forgiving. We mention this concerning how most people use the word "friend." If someone asked whether your friends were good or bad, you would unabashedly say they were good. You attach the word friend to positive emotions and feelings.

In truth, though, many people in our lives should be classified as acquaintances rather than friends. We don't spend quality time with them, although they're in our lives from time to time. You may never ask them out to dinner or join them on vacation.

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Sabrina Perez Sabrina Perez

6 Causes of an Inferiority Complex 

Regardless of age, you may have an inferiority complex if you constantly feel inadequacy. You begin to question your ability at just about everything. You believe most people are more capable and accomplished than you are.

If this happens to you frequently, talk with a mental health professional. They can let you know if this is a serious problem or if there's something else at work. Here are six causes of this mental health issue that can be corrected with RTT

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