6 Causes of an Inferiority Complex 

Growing up can be difficult. You see other children doing things you'd like to do. Your friends are rolling around effortlessly on bicycles, and you're still on a tricycle. You bravely attempt to ride on two wheels and immediately meet with failure.

That delivers a blow to your ego. You feel inferior to your friends and other kids, some of them younger than you. This might cause feelings of jealousy, inadequacy, or envy. This occasionally happens as a child and as an adult.

Regardless of age, you may have an inferiority complex if you constantly feel inadequacy. You begin to question your ability at just about everything. You believe most people are more capable and accomplished than you are.

If this happens to you frequently, talk with a mental health professional. They can let you know if this is a serious problem or if there's something else at work. Here are six causes of this mental health issue that can be corrected with RTT hypnotherapy.

1 – Playing the Comparison Game

How many times do you compare yourself to others? This is a no-win game. You are a unique individual, and so is everyone else. Constantly comparing yourself to others can cause anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings of inferiority, which sometimes aren't justified.

2 – Nothing's Good Enough

This can start happening as a child. Perhaps you had critical parents, teachers, or authority figures. Nothing seemed good enough for them, no matter how hard you tried. 

Even when you thought you created or accomplished something incredible, you got chastised or put down. That childhood experience can lead you to believe that your achievements are never quite good enough as an adult.

3 – Isolation Due to Social Misgivings

You feel like you just don't fit in anywhere. So, you withdraw from society. You incorrectly believe everyone's watching you, judging and talking about you. So, you pull back from the world and isolate yourself. This is a common cause of an inferiority complex.

4 – You Believe You Were Born Inferior

This, unfortunately, happens to some people. Because of their upbringing, important failures, or some other reasons, they believe they were created as inferior, and there's nothing they can do to change that.

5 – You Obsess about Negatives

You're going to fail, and you're going to succeed. Some people can't get over their losses, their failures. They justify that their successes were lucky, and their failures take up all their thoughts. This type of mindset can easily lead to constant feelings of inadequacy.

6 – It's All or Nothing

Everything isn't either black or white. There are shades of gray everywhere. Don't believe that the world is a zero-sum game. This causes perfectionist behaviors, and you begin to believe that nothing is good enough where you're concerned.

Do these resonate with you? If one or more of these causes of an inferiority complex hits home, talk to a mental health professional. There are also free mental resources available online. RTT hypnotherapy is an effective way to get to the root cause of these thoughts and feelings to help you begin to adopt thoughts and feelings about yourself that are loving and beneficial. You'll discover if there's a need for concern and what you can do to correct these negative and usually unjustified belief systems.

Schedule a call with me and get started on how to overcome these feelings of inferiority for good. 

With Love,

Sabrina Perez


Feeling Inadequate or Inferior? Do More of What You Love