Beat Feelings of Inferiority and Boost Self-Esteem

Do you always find yourself analyzing things that go on around you? Do you feel inferior to others more than just every now and then? Do you sometimes tell yourself you're worthless and incapable of doing things other people can? These are typical thoughts we get from time to time.

The person who suffers from an inferiority complex has these thoughts day in and day out. 

Few things fill them with happiness. In many cases, they strive for perfection and never realize that good enough is good enough. An inferiority complex can also cause envy and jealousy, with someone wishing they were entirely different.

Constantly believing they don't live up to everyday standards diminishes their self-image. That's a shame because, in many cases, these people have wonderful abilities. They are accomplished and capable in so many ways. An inferiority complex doesn't let them see this. The image they see in the mirror and in their mind's eye is of a person that's inadequate, substandard, and not good enough.

One way to treat this problem effectively, whether your feelings of inferiority are chronic or occasional, is with self-care. Here are a few ways to take care of yourself, so you build up your self-image and self-esteem. That's a surefire way to keep feelings of inferiority and inadequacy at bay.

Get Seven or Eight Hours of Sleep Each Night

Poor sleep habits can cause brain fog, poor memory recall, impaired brain function, and physical performance issues. When this happens regularly, a slew of more serious health problems can develop mentally and physically. A watered-down performance mentally, physically, and even emotionally is almost guaranteed from chronically not getting enough sleep.

Start Eating Right

You know the drill. A healthy diet includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, filtered water, and herbal teas. You eat little to no sugar and salt and few highly processed foods. 

When you start eating right, your mind and body begin to heal and feel better. You are naturally more capable of seeing yourself as a quality individual rather than doubting your self-worth.


The human body was designed for physical movement. You will be happier and healthier when you're physically active than when you're sitting and sedentary. Moderate to intense physical activity is linked to improved mental health and wellness.

Do Something That Makes You Smile Every Day

Feelings of low self-esteem and inferiority disappear when a smile lights up your face. Feeling negative and inadequate is tough when you're smiling and happy.

Schedule More Relaxing Moments

Relax. Seriously, we could all benefit from more relaxing moments in our hectic, crazy lives, couldn't we? Stress can lead to anxiety, physical and mental health problems, and feelings that we aren't living our best lives. Schedule relaxing moments more frequently, and you'll feel better about who you are.
These are some simple ways to take better care of yourself. Self-care can treat many mental and physical health issues. Start taking better care of yourself today, and feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem won't be as common tomorrow.


Schedule Positive Self-Talk to Defeat an Inferiority Complex


Your Friends Might Be Causing Your Inferiority Complex